Attorneys Real Estate Properties Homes Condos Beachs Mexico City - Huixquilucan

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Detalles del Anuncio

Ciudad: Huixquilucan, México
Operación: Venta
Precio: USD 300
Metros Cuadrados:1000

Información de contacto

Nombre Islas Colin Abogados Mexico City
Número de Teléfono 551367-7449


Real Estate Properties Homes Condos Beachs Attorneys at Law Mexico City.
Lawyers in Mexico City. It is a Law Firm with more than 50 years of experience in the professional market.

The advantage of the Law Firm is that it counts on important material and human resources of vanguard, necessary to take care of immediate and efficient way the most difficult cases.

Our philosophy is basic: Hard Work. We attributed our success to two principles: To work more hard than our opponent and to invest our considerable resources in the construction of the best possible case.

The tradition of Islas Colin & Attorneys is to inform into honest way and completely frank in which legal situation is, the reach that it has its case and formulates it of how taking care of it.

Real Estate Lawyers. Urban Development Lawyers. Attorneys at Law Mexico City.

Our Firm takes charge of the preparation, negotiation, execution and supervision of acquisition and transference of real estate for housing, commercial, tourism, industrial and urban equipment. Contracts of usage, time sharing, maintenance, housing, leasing, administration, among others. Administrative procedures regarding urban development (authorizations, permits, licenses, expert reports, feasibilities, aprovals, changes of land usage, changes of density and intensity and others), Condominiums (constituency of regime, statutes, assembly, defaults, sanctions. Trusts in restricted areas. Legal decrees about real estate. Taxes, Limitations and affections. Construction contracts. Disincorporation. Controversies about Property Insurances and Bonds.


A foreigner can acquire a property in Mexico?
If. Nevertheless, when the border zone of or zone of beach is in, it is recommended to acquire by means of a Trust or a Mexican Mercantile Society. Mexican Corporation.
The Trust is used generally to have properties in the “restricted area” and it is known like restricted area that property that is located within the 50 kilometers (32 miles) of the coast or 100 kilometers (64 miles) of anyone of the borders (Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution).

How is created a TRUST?
Once authorized the Trust by the Secretary of Outer Relations of Mexico forms with the Bank of its preference and before a public notary.
The property is not part of the goods of the bank and it cannot be subject to the right to retain the property that has not been paid or become attached to the obligations that the bank has.
In Mexico, a great number of foreigners exists who are owners of properties in Mexico.

How it operates the TRUST in a property?
It is used to a Mexican bank, in this case is the trustee, whom it retains I title for the buyer and in this case he is the beneficiary.
While the bank is the technical proprietor of real estate, it has legal obligation to obey the instructions of the beneficiary on the property.
The beneficiary has property right and can sell, rent, mortgage, transfer like inheritance or make any other act legal that wishes with property.
The beneficiary can transfer or assign his beneficial interests to any person and keep the gains by concept from the sale of the property, this subject to the applicable laws in the matter of taxes and the expenses that the sale causes.
The property in a Trust can be transferred the heirs without the inheritance causes to tax some, because this is carried out naming them as beneficiaries substitutes in case of death.

What I finish has the TRUST?
The Trust can authorized until by 50 years, renewable.

How much costs a TRUST?
The costs to create a Trust are of 2.500 dollars approximately, according to the bank. And, they approximately have a quota of $500 to $1000 dollars per year by the administration of the Trust. The creation is paid to the notary and the quotas are paid to the bank, of direct way.

Our Law Firm, Islas Colin & Attorneys at all moment it can attend to acquire a property in Mexico.

Ph. 551367-7449. Mexico.
Fax (55) 2789-5670. Mexico.
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